Roman Discount Codes in February 2025
hand-tested Roman Originals voucher codes
Roman Originals is a women's fashion retailer which has over 150 stores scattered throughout the UK and a website for online shoppers. No matter your style, recreate your entire wardrobe with hundreds of dresses, tops, jackets, jumpsuits and more to match your unique personality. As voucher experts, we host the very best Roman discount codes to help you enjoy incredible savings, and we have also put together a step-by-step guide to ensure you check out with the best discounts.
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Where do I apply my Roman Originals discount code?
- Search our list of offers and click the best deal for you. If a code is required to redeem the discount, copy the code provided.
- Visit Roman Originals online store and shop as you normally would.
- Locate the shopping bag icon in the upper right corner to check out.
- Find the box under the order summary asking you to enter your code.
- Paste the code and click apply to save instantly.
What is the Roman NHS discount?
NHS staff can now claim a 20% discount every time they spend £60. All you need to do is register your work email via the trusted partner Health Service Discounts, and in return you will be given a unique Roman promo code to use at checkout.
How can I get a promo code on my first order at Roman?
All you need to do is sign up for the free newsletter, which in return will send you a 25% off Roman discount code which can be applied to your first order.
Is there a 30% off Roman Originals discount code?
Right now no, but in the past there have been Roman Originals voucher codes which have offered up to 30%. In our experience, coupons range from 10% up to 25% and these can be applied to entire orders or when you spend a minimum amount.
How long is delivery from Roman Originals?
The fashion retailer offers free standard delivery when you spend £20 and customers can expect the package to arrive in 3 to 5 working days. There is also a next-day delivery service which can be used if you order by 11 pm, and it is also free of charge with orders which are worth £85.