Debenhams Discount Codes in February 2025
Debenhams promo codes
There are no vouchers
Where do I apply my Debenhams discount code?
- Search our list of offers and click the best deal for you. If a code is required to redeem the discount, copy the code provided.
- Visit Debenhams’ online store and shop as you normally would.
- Locate the shopping bag icon in the upper right corner to checkout.
- Find the box under the order summary asking you to enter your code.
- Paste the code and click apply to save instantly.
Is there a Debenhams student discount?
Yes, all students can save 10% via UNiDAYS or Student Beans. Both offer the same discount so it’s up to your personal preference or if you already have an account with one of the providers.
Does Blue Light Card work with Debenhams?
NHS members can also save 10% on their orders, but unlike students, this offer is not always available. We recommend checking directly with Blue Light Card as there are several discount websites claiming fake NHS offers.
Extra information
Debenhams return policy
Items must be returned within 28 days of purchase. Orders made online must be returned via the online portal and in-store purchases must be returned in-store. There are exclusions on what can be returned due to hygiene reasons, as well as other terms and conditions. Read more about their policy and how to return your item here.
Customer service contact
Phone number: 01484 481361
- Facebook messenger