
About works to provide its users with the best discounts and discount coupons in several hundred stores from many different categories. Our site is a strong platform that provides promotion, more customers and a high sales volume. Savings United GmbH filled with young people full of innovative ideas and motivation, focused on providing the best quality services in countries around the world. We are present on the markets in America, Poland, Italy, Germany, Mexico and Brazil, where we occupy the highest positions and enjoy the trust of our clients.


Savings United GmbH

Starstraße 2

22305 Hamburg, Germany

T: +49 40 60945766

CEO: Panayotis Nikolaidis

Responsibility for content published on this site: Panayotis Nikolaidis

Responsibility for data protection: Panayotis Nikolaidis

Commercial register: Amtsgericht Hamburg / HRB 122558

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